
i am going to blog what i think, feel and my own truth as i see, hear and feel it. i hope you like. if not, and are close minded and homophobic, then please go away!! yes, i am a lesbian .. LOL so, this is a safe place of happiness, growth, love and peace. i look forward to this blog thing. peace luv and a ton o' hugs to you...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

by uplifting oneself it can be sometimes a painfull downer.. ;)

i start this with a quote " all is connected...no one thing can change by itself." by paul hawken.

say that is a pretty heavy quote eh? i mean u change yourself right? um.... not entirely, no. a word that comes to mind is synchronicity-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchronicity- say you think to yourself "i need to find out why i do that" and then all of a sudden you have a conversation, even with a complete stranger, on a heavy topic on thoughts, feelings, and emotions and hence you find your answer of why u do that. funny that eh? sometimes not one thing can change by itself. you sometimes need a helping hand or heart sometimes. you know it takes a big person to stand and fight like a boxer, but it takes an even bigger person to walk away and take the road less traveled to a higher and bigger place.  hence this blog... i could email and fight and blah blah blah forever, but no, that won't change anything will it? i made the change to have my own voice heard and not get "moderated" by making  my own blog. so, there you go.

also, another big heavy issue is facing yourself. have the courage to face yourself and look at yourself. like dissecting yourself from the inside out. i dare you all to ponder that. i've done it and trust me, it's fucking scary as all hell. thankfully i read psychology books and neuroscience books for fun but i digress......... it will seriously blow your mind at examining your mind,heart,body and soul. do it. and write down your thoughts and feelings... as they are your  unedited "un-moderated"  bare nekkid self.. lol ;)

a good book one of my aunts, long ago when i was 17(i am now 35) told me about and bought for me, was "writing down the bones: freeing the writer within" and wild mind:living the writers life" both by natalie goldberg. http://www.amazon.com/Writing-Down-Bones-Freeing-Writer/dp/1590302613

as a songwriter and a writer/artist, those two books just blew my mind. even at 17 yrs old. and even at 35 they still blow my mind. so, with this i cast this blog out into the world, lmao, and say to anyone listening/reading to, as a line in an en vogue tune goes "free your mind, the rest will follow"...i encourage you all to do the same. try it, even if you think u suck. try it anyway. as the nike slogan says: JUST DO IT"....lol
-peace luv and a ton o' hugs to you all..... ;)

Monday, August 22, 2011

have you read this woman's comment on president obama?!?! wtf?!?!

this tea party woman is a jackass... read this:

i'd like to say to this woman:
"hello lady, but it's a federal crime to say a joke like that about the president even if ya don't like the person. hope you get fired and shut the hell down u backwards racist redneck... click and read this wiki site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threats_against_the_President "
and fuck the hell off you stupid woman. even i know better than to say something that fucked up.. hahaha
what a stupid woman.. *shakes head* i hope the secret service person that tails her or "monitors" her is a hottie female, tall with black dark hair with a deep husky sexy voice.. hahahahaha *bows* thank you thank you very much, as elvis, the king would say.

also, the west Memphis three are out of jail. interesting case this was... so many weird and strange things... guilty or not? hmmmm http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/19/west-memphis-three-free_n_931449.html#s333742&title=Craighead_County_Court

funny that there is a movie not yet released http://www.hollywood.com/movie/West_Memphis_Three/3462704 
called the "WM3" with gina gershon. check these sites out for info or to make up your own mind.. i am still not so sure they are innocent but something "weird went on there" is for certain....  check out these sites: http://freewestmemphis3.org/ and http://www.wm3.org/ and http://wm3org.typepad.com/blog/ ...

here are two pro pics i took of a bag pipe dude and the Staten Island ferry.. funny that the ferry is free and pollutes the air with an amazingly amount of smog... that is my smog pollution pic that looks like a cloud. nope. just global warming at its finest. and the ferry is free, so free global warming, wow isn't that great news eh??!?!  funny that. makes me sad. but what can i do but inform and educate.

also, wanted to add this you tube from sheryl crow song : try not to remember. this has been my theme song for a while now. thanks for making this tune ms sheryl crow.

wish you all peace luv and a ton o' hugs...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

have you had these funny e-mails?!?!

oh my god!! i keep getting these wacky ass e-mails for i am an heir to receive money and other money that was in a box retreived at customs!! hahahaha whatever... i send them all to the FBI and now these new messages are from fake ass con people posing as feds.. omg !!! haha i just told a fake fed to go fuck themselves. the emails aren't even from the FBI and the address isn't even the FBI. haha what the hell... from nigeria and the united kingdom!! don't these people have anything better to do. i have an FBI complaint account code number and i keep adding to their file.. haha so stupid to fuck with my lesbian ass!!! haha

i've even told off the creator of huffington post and her global warming arse, in some interesting messages, of how her friends and moderators are fucking homophobic censorshipping assholes.. haha i've had enough of their backstabbing crap. as that old film "network" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_(film) or http://www.thisdayinquotes.com/2009/11/im-mad-as-hell-and-not-going-to-take-it.html where the newscaster said:
“So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out, and yell, ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!’”

is pretty much how i am feeling right now... i am doing an all punk rocking, new york city, boston, east coast southern virginia gal, kicking some verbal ass right about now!!! haha ya dig?!?! follow me so far.. haha so i am doing what i do best. putting my pen to the paper er..... my fingers to the keyboard typing, and kicking some verbal assage up in here!! lmao ;) oh, no moderators here so, i can't get "moderated" hahahaha *bows*

also, the other cool and latest thing is i've been doing is some new artwork with stencils. kind of like andy warhol meets keith herring. i hope i spelled their names right, since i'm not "google-ing/blackle-ing" their names.. haha as soon as i figure out how to send a pic to this shitty computer i might post a pic.. or not!! haha

i have some pro pics i did and will try to post as well... have to figure out my settings right now. anyhow, will post sooner rather than later. take care and peace be with anyone and all. ;)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

hi there!!!!

new post....
my first blog post... i make this blog for my musings and for the basic reason of i am sick of fucking moderators "moderating my thoughts and musings"... so much for artistic expression and freedom of speech. but i will digress and move on to this... i do have to say i do make some small typos and grammar errors that will drive an English teacher crazy, will work on that..  lmao i hope you enjoy. this is again for my own musings and any readers who enjoy it themselves. i encourage you to make your own blog as well... take care and spread the peace luv and a ton o' hugs around. take care.

here is my music and bands myspace page. http://www.myspace.com/thebelljars
and my always moderated comments from the assholes who have issues with what i say on huffington post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/belladawna?action=comments ...
oh i can't wait to hear some peeps flip out over my own blog. lmao so, any comment i have regarding a post or thread i will just paste the url here and make my posting here. since i won't moderate or censor myself. EVER. haha