
i am going to blog what i think, feel and my own truth as i see, hear and feel it. i hope you like. if not, and are close minded and homophobic, then please go away!! yes, i am a lesbian .. LOL so, this is a safe place of happiness, growth, love and peace. i look forward to this blog thing. peace luv and a ton o' hugs to you...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

sept. 11, 2011

i'd like to start with a few quotes:
"it is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."
- Aristotle Onassis
"an eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."
-Monhandas Gandhi.....

and with that, i would like to take a few to say to all those involved in 9/11 being the firefighters, cops, law enforcement, government official and the general public(folks like you and me) i wish you all well on this day and this weekend.. it's a scary time as of late. you cannot even worry about walking down the street let alone going to a ceremony for this event. regardless of conspiracy theories and what you believe to have had a hand in 9/11, there were lives that were lost... that is in itself a tragedy. and a shameful thing. i have this lovely painting of the twin towers and have had it for years.... and i look at it everyday, even though i live in nyc, i am still blown away by the importance of the events. please do not just forget or toss what happened under a rug, its something to remember and make into something special.

 if you've lost someone or had misfortune due to 9/11, try to find something positive to turn the negative into. please.... that is the only way to beat what has happened. that is my message: take the negative and turn it into the positive. for the positive is always good feels good, no need to change it right? it's always the negative that needs to be changed into something positive. as we used to say in the south near virginia- "when god tosses you lemons, you make some lemonade..." take care and wishing you all well... peace, luv and a ton o' hugs be with you all...